Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ My children get involved in a pitiful , useless world , that seduces and then destroys them.→ Yet you let yourselves be involved in a world built on null, empty elements , in which there is nothing , absolutely nothing .→ Do not be fooled by the world , because in that state you can not be happy , in joy , because the world seduces and destroys .→ I will not leave you alone .→ If you love me, you can give me the center of your attention , put me first in you and leave material things in the background .
→ Man needs love , he was created for love , he is love in every part , he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is , who I am , he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world , from empty things , vain , illusory , which do not give love , which give only an apparent , fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself .→ I bless my children as part of me, precious to me in the light , in the joy , in the love , in this revelation , created by me, recognized by me in the joy , in the pain , in the certainty , in the uncertainty , in the fears , in fragility , in abandonment to me and always.
→ My children must recognize the poverty , the misery of the world , which hurts them, look inside themselves , wonder who they are , where they come from, who they belong to, who I am , what our relationship is , look at the world , what surrounds them, they must recognize why they feel weak , fragile , without resources .
Relative arguments