The Lord loves you in the greatness of his love, because the Lord is great in love.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → Now you know what can hurt you, what does not make you know me and you, who are love.
- → The realized son finally accomplished everything he wanted, for which he lived to know me, can understand the parts of his life he thought empty, he fills that nonexistent vacuum, he is completely alive, true, full, shining and brilliant.
- → Only in me you can know beauty, love, be safe and live in eternal light.
- → I have made you know in love me and the law of love.
- → The pain of the world makes no sense in the world, it has its perfect meaning beyond the temporary world, in eternal love.
- → The only solution to the contrast between the opposing natures of man and the world is in the awareness of eternal truth.
- → Without me, you lose yourself, the world drags you into its illusion, it robs you of the truth, of your eternal identity.
- → This world is an illusion that cannot satisfy you as much as you want, only in the eternal dimension can you find who you are.
- → If you remember that I am alive, present, eternal and I love you completely, the world can no longer harm you.
Relative arguments