Be convinced children, realized in their identity, aware of love, belonging to one father, who fall in love with me every day, recognize and possess light, know each other in light as well as in love, made for eternity and not for the world.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ That is why I created it, because you have this love in me.→ Reaching the harmony of that love shines and fills my son with full light .→ Whoever finds me, finds , reaches peace , justice , purity , full light , full love , the freedom to truly be a child who moves , acts , walks in me and in love .→ Blessed are those who follow the harmony that leads them to me, and this is among the happiness of man who achieves serenity and peace in his reason , in his heart , who makes him cross paths that lead to my kingdom , to the sanctuary where I live blessed and among the blessed .
→ Be in me, as I am already in you.
→ I, the invisible , the immortal purity , harmony and love , I love you with a great love , within and without you, I vibrate , I scrutinize powerfully and delicately .→ This sharing of harmony , love and light gives you preciousness , certainty of being my children , desired by the father , who wants all the love for his children .→ Those who love me are clothed with light , peace , harmony , beauty , eternity , they reach awareness , a high degree of knowledge , they really feel like a son , live as a son , know that they are the son of the father , loved by the father .→ Here is the father talking , talking about a unique love , which is purity , completeness , accomplishment , light and harmony .
Relative arguments