I have created you for greatness and not for smallness, for certainty and not for insecurity, to look for me and nothing else, for the freedom of love in me and for me, as I live for all of you children.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I can love you everywhere , but love is uncertain in bodies , in sensations , in what is temporary , it is certain in what is eternal .→ Observe your brothers with my love , as eternal souls , at worst lost in the world , not as bodies , distinguish the eternal and the insubstantial .→ The world , the body and the mind collaborate in producing the experience of mutability and dragging man into the unawareness of eternity .→ If you don 't face it, the illusion of the world and the body robs you of awareness of you and me, enslaves you and crushes you with pain .→ Guilt and fragility belong to the world and the body , they do not belong to the divine nature with which you were created .
Relative arguments