I want you to love me at every moment of the day and night, that your gaze does not rest on me with torment or difficulty, but rest on me with love, the great love that I have placed within you.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ If you look at true love , you will discover the secret of power and eternal existence .→ Discover me.→ I desire love from you, your love , a great love , resistant to any force of useless vanity , that you seek me, that you discover the substance of love , my essence which is love , that you announce that you are all mine beloved children .→ The Lord says rejoice in me, love me, and you will discover what you already have , the love that you have for me and I have for you.→ I want you to discover the treasures of beauty of being sons .
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