Be convinced children, realized in their identity, aware of love, belonging to one father, who fall in love with me every day, recognize and possess light, know each other in light as well as in love, made for eternity and not for the world.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Be convinced children , realized in their identity , aware of love , belonging to one father , who fall in love with me every day , recognize and possess light , know each other in light as well as in love , made for eternity and not for the world .→ The wonder between me father and you children is in love , that is me, it is discovered every day falling in love with me as love , with my eternity , it is in the revelation , completeness , totality , and the realization of the ultimate end , God father .→ At the end of this journey you discover eternal life and the fact that it has always attracted and guided you.→ Everything is in my hands , and I rule for your utmost good , in view of my plan of eternal love for you.
→ If the son looks inside himself silently , he begins to reflect with love , detached from what damages and fills his thoughts , his reason , his heart , finally he manages to find me, he is in my presence , he finds himself , me, his and my origins , he knows deeply the love , the light , the balance lost wandering in the inconstant world .
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