In the story is fulfilled the design of my alliance between me father and you children, alliance of love, the design of love and wonder, because I, the father, am wonder.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I, the Lord God , approach you children , I speak , shout , shout with love , force and greatness .→ Because I am God father my voice will be penetrating , will shake you strongly , will enter you, will sweep you away and it will not confuse you.→ The importance of being children is this strong union which makes you free , this harmony and complete relationship of love between me and you.→ To get excited is to let out everything that is inside, in reason , in the heart , to let out from within a love so strong as to make every part of your being children tremble , shake and vibrate .→ When man finds true love , love fills him , in his heart he reaches a degree of love so great , strong , that he cannot contain it, which is reflected on himself , on me, on every son and brother .
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