The realized son finally accomplished everything he wanted, for which he lived to know me, can understand the parts of his life he thought empty, he fills that nonexistent vacuum, he is completely alive, true, full, shining and brilliant.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Remember that I love you, because this truth is your lifeline in the world .→ The world is by nature fragile , temporary , constantly trying to delude and disappoint you, to convince you that you have its nature , that you are fragile , temporary , and you belong to it.→ If you remember that I am alive , present , eternal and I love you completely , the world can no longer harm you.→ The very physicality of your body collaborates with the deception of the world , and it is not easy for man to understand who he is and to whom he belongs .
→ If I, God , love you and allow you to face such a difficulty , my correctness implies that you are immense , divine , similar to me.→ If you think about it, you can understand that I am completely unconditional and you are my son , like me.→ Your experience of my opposite offers you the possibility to choose me with a love similar to mine , because you are similar to me, divine .→ Observe the darkness of the world and the light of love , choose between them, discover who you are like and who you belong to.
Relative arguments