I tell you that my greatness has no limit, it is part of my being as knowledge, freedom, love, wealth that is not of the world, which is of knowledge and love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Love is the extraordinary encounter between me father and you children , overcoming these boundaries and the world , stopping on me, the eternal father , only with love , only with love .→ This knowledge grows in wisdom , in love and where it is possible to penetrate into the deep root of eternal God father .→ I want you to know me, that you all understand that great love that is consumed , ignites only for you, creatures of a divine being , eternal father of every man .→ Love makes you know the father , the glory , recognize the kingdom founded , built on love , it makes you enter , dwell in my eternal abode of light and infinite beauty .
→ I recognize the difficulties of my children in seeking me, finding me, discovering this love , in their thoughts and in love .→ Every man can find me, discover me, understand the belonging to me and the knowledge of being a real child .→ If my son looks inside, he discovers me, my love , his love and the love between me as father and them as sons .→ The son begins to understand that the world deprives him of the love , of the peace , of the truth that the son thought he would find , he asks himself more insistent , clearer questions , such as who he is , who I am , what this life really is , who we really are , asks questions , does not find the answers , seeks , wanders , fails to arrive at what truly satisfies him , begins to understand that the world does not make him happy , he discovers that he cannot rely on the world , on things of the world , he does not feel at peace , he seeks something that guarantees peace , love , that makes him secure , and desires balance .
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