Full knowledge has three aspects, three faces, the love of God, the divine nature of men and the malice of the world, instrumental, aimed at activating awareness, choice and love in man.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Always think of me, remember my presence , desire me, choose me strongly , talk to me and listen to me.→ Remember me, who I am , who you are for me, love me and the world will not strike you inside, it will not make you its slave .→ Remember the illusion of the world , of fearing nothing , of going through the difficulties like a game , remember that nothing temporary is consistent .→ Please remember me, don 't let the world take you, for your own good .→ Confidently remember me, our relationship , who we are , our unbridgeable difference from the world , how the world works to obscure your knowledge and unbalance you.
Relative arguments