This is the time of love fully turned, projected, directed towards me, of announcement, of knowledge, of knowing me and my love, that my children know me as God, father, loved, desired, wanted as I desire and want them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ In the world there is no substance , knowledge , root , there is seduction , poverty , misery of reason , knowledge , and heart .→ The world can not give you anything , it gives you only an empty , hypocrite , false , seductive , vain existence and life .→ Man needs to understand this love , my love , his love , can do it in silence , can not do it in a world full of noise , vanity , appearance , seduction , which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love .
→ This is the time of love fully turned , projected , directed towards me, of announcement , of knowledge , of knowing me and my love , that my children know me as God , father , loved , desired , wanted as I desire and want them.
Relative arguments