Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Here is what is harmony , love , eternity , light , immortality , and absolute .→ Those who love me are clothed with light , peace , harmony , beauty , eternity , they reach awareness , a high degree of knowledge , they really feel like a son , live as a son , know that they are the son of the father , loved by the father .→ I live in eternity , I love my children continually , I approach my children , and I do not reject any of them.→ Every son must leave the world behind , what makes him unstable , confused , and deprives him of the eternity that belongs to him .
→ Man needs love , he was created for love , he is love in every part , he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is , who I am , he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world , from empty things , vain , illusory , which do not give love , which give only an apparent , fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself .
→ If the son looks inside himself silently , he begins to reflect with love , detached from what damages and fills his thoughts , his reason , his heart , finally he manages to find me, he is in my presence , he finds himself , me, his and my origins , he knows deeply the love , the light , the balance lost wandering in the inconstant world .
→ Choose the invisible , the father , love , light , peace , justice , harmony , clarity , perfection , immortality , and eternity .
→ I know that in every man there is a need to find a reason for thinking , seeking , achieving , accomplishing a purpose , knowing me, finding love , truth , true good , absolute , me, a reason for living and loving .
Relative arguments