Dear sons, seek love, goodness, peace and you will find me, flourish, do not let yourselves wither, shine, do not let yourselves be obscured, love continually, live for me, because I live for you, and do not let yourselves be struck by the iniquity of the world, which leads into darkness.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ You are loved children , but do not understand it, keep flattering from what surrounds you, abound in love and have a huge amount of love , but you give it in exchange for what does not belong to you.→ Dear sons , seek love , goodness , peace and you will find me, flourish , do not let yourselves wither , shine , do not let yourselves be obscured , love continually , live for me, because I live for you, and do not let yourselves be struck by the iniquity of the world , which leads into darkness .→ Now the son must show himself strong in love , in light and in harmony , because he is the son of a strong father , he must discover his numerous quality , he must leave what makes him suffering , unsure , confused , causes pain and illness .→ I wish above all that you do not care about things , do not let be worried of the things of the world and the flesh , but that you care , put attention , orient yourself and look to the kingdom of God and only to me.
→ You live in me and I live in you in love .→ Now I live in my son , I am here in all my son , I am present , alive , true , existent , because I am the absolute eternity , immortality and truth .→ Now I am here , I live in you, I want the abandonment , the confidence and the knowledge of all my being , that is love .→ I am the eternal sovereign , the living God , the strength , the light , the fire , the fire of love , a fire that flows eternally , I live in you, exist from eternity and teach you to do things for love .
Relative arguments