Get rid of what torments you or makes you fall, because everything is supported by this love, I am the eternal rock, the pillar, the primary column and nothing can hurt you or fall you down.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ If your actions push you towards confusion , towards incoherent attitudes , act more strongly in me, with love , recognize me, always recognize that every thought of yours , every sick act of yours is illusory , vain , improbable .→ Now sons , you are precious and reside in my love and in my thoughts , embrace strongly the sweetness of the father , do not abandon yourselves to iniquity , but abandon yourselves to the father , who embraces , sustains and especially loves you.→ Now the son must show himself strong in love , in light and in harmony , because he is the son of a strong father , he must discover his numerous quality , he must leave what makes him suffering , unsure , confused , causes pain and illness .
→ My children must recognize the poverty , the misery of the world , which hurts them, look inside themselves , wonder who they are , where they come from, who they belong to, who I am , what our relationship is , look at the world , what surrounds them, they must recognize why they feel weak , fragile , without resources .
Relative arguments