I want you to love me, I always love you, in silence, joy and pain, I invite you to true, complete love that comes from within and shakes you hard, deep, intense.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Happy is the one who sees me as the purpose , the center , the root of his existence , of his life , of thoughts , of heart and of reason .→ Do not be afraid to love , to live in love , to live for me, because the Lord comes with strength in your hearts , in your reason , and even in your reason for existence .→ Another truth is that there are no other gods , I am God , one , father , master , and your only certainty .→ I am the eternal sovereign , the living God , the strength , the light , the fire , the fire of love , a fire that flows eternally , I live in you, exist from eternity and teach you to do things for love .
Relative arguments