Announce to the rich, the poor, everyone, my kingdom, my word, the truth, that I, the Lord, love all of you, and will draw all to me.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → I am the Lord God who speaks, wisdom, intelligence, deep thoughts that push man to knowledge and certainty.
- → I am powerful, strong God, wisdom, intelligence, full joy, light, especially total, comprehensible love, I am your everything, supreme essence and knowledge.
- → I have given you the intelligence to know the love and the roots of love, where I am in certain light.
- → Announce that I am the Lord who loves, the unique, only God with love, intelligence, joy and delicacy.
- → My mouth says words of love.
- → I, the Lord God, call you by name and whisper words of love.
- → From you I do not want torments, judgments, empty words, confused, throwing here and there in the world, I want words that go beyond the sound, calling me father and dad.
- → Joy and rejoice in these words of love.
- → I desire that you shine of light, of love, that you understand the words of love of the father who loves you, who lives with this love, for this love, who reveals himself only with love and who does not reveal otherwise.
- → I desire children in the light, of the light, not tormented, who do not drag the world behind them, who think me and who love me.
- → This sharing of harmony, love and light gives you preciousness, certainty of being my children, desired by the father, who wants all the love for his children.
- → I, the Lord, want all my children to talk to me, to meet me, to announce that I am the Lord, and especially the father of love.
Relative arguments